The Need
The Need In India, at any given point of time, there are 3 million patients living with advanced stage of Cancer and an equal number with other incurable illnesses. There are sizable population of patients with HIV/AIDS and the geriatric population is increasing every year and all of them are in dire need of hospice care service. There are one hundred and thirty eight hospice organisations in India spread over in 16 states, whereas, 19 states have no Palliative Care / Hospice Care provisions. Though Hospice Care was introduced in India nearly two decades ago, it is still in its infancy stage with less than 1% of patients having access to Hospice service. Hospice implies the philosophy of care. The Hospice service accepts death as one of the important stages of life. The goal of Hospice is to help patients live their last days, full of peace and free of pain.